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Tapissereie Poodles

My first introduction to poodles was a delightful pair of apricot Miniatures owned by a close friend's family when I was in High School.  They were loving, friendly, spoiled house pets who went out to potty but spent most of their time in the house around people.

My second introduction to poodles was an apricot Miniature who was actually a mostly outside dog. He was well loved, well cared for and a delight also. 

Two very different living situations that showed me sides of poodles most folks rarely saw in the 60s.


Fast forward to the 80s I was given a poodle that had been dumped at the kennel run by a friend.  Matouchka was only 2, had been through 4 different owners, and her abuse showed.  It took her months before she relaxed and learned to play.  Obedience training was a matter of NO reprimands no even the slightest leash jerk or she shut down.  She had to be jollied along and told how happy we were with her.   Fast forward 6 months and she walked into an obedience trial ring with a total stranger (my sister) and almost got her first Q but the long sits and downs were too much.  My sis was told with a little more work she could be a High in Trial dog!   Matouchka was placed as a family pet about a year after I got her  (I was sent to a remote assignment no pets allowed)  and lived the rest of her life as a spoiled stay at home pet.


Years later after 3 kids and 2 long lived Shar Pei my husband and I were looking for another dog to fill the space left by the loss of our last Shar Pei.  Neither of us wanted another Shar Pei as we felt it would be unfair to the new dog to be constantly be compared to our last "perfect" boy.  So we started tossing out breed names.  We could not agree on what we wanted until my HUSBAND tossed out Poodle like the one in Florida...  And so our first well bred  poodle came to live  with us.


And we totally fell in love with the breed.  Then made the decision, that in a world being filled with doodles and other mixed breeds, that there had to be a place for the purebred poodles we had come to love and as unpopular as it may be we would breed these wonderful dogs so others had a chance to fall in love with them.


We think Mojo would approve.


black shar pei laying down
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